Vertiv Geist GU2系列IP全功能型PDU
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Vertiv Geist GU2系列IP全功能型PDU
维保: Vertiv Geist rPDUs附带一个标准的三年保修期,如果产品在购买后120天内注册,保修期将自动延长至五年规格
Vertiv GU2 rPDUs提供了本地/远程监控数据和远程控制单个电源插座的能力,可远程排除有问题的设备。可以对电源进行重启、启用、禁用和监视。具备U-Lock电缆防脱装置及插座级状态LED灯,还可通过购买License方式,将低级别的GR2/GS2升级为高级别的GU2。

- Vertiv Rack PDU Brochure SL-20881
- Vertiv™ Device Director Data Sheet SL-28095 (End of Life).pdf
- Vertiv™ Geist™ Upgradeable rPDU IMD Feature Comparison.pdf
- Network Design & Switch Configuration for Vertiv™ Geist™ Upgradeable rPDU - Application Brief.pdf
- Providing Network Connectivity to Intelligent rPDUs Without Requiring Expensive Switch Ports for Each.pdf
- Deployment Methods for Environmental Monitoring - Application Brief.pdf
- Reimagining Rack PDUs Through Modular Design White Paper.pdf
- Powering the Cloud, Using Intelligent rPDUs to Prevent the Storms of Downtime - White Paper
- Leveraging Smartphones for Improved Operations in the Data Center - White Paper.pdf
- How to Protect Your Data Center from Environmental Threats - White Paper.pdf
- Proactive Monitoring for the Dynamic Data Center - White Paper.pdf
- Avoid the Meltdown - Your rPDU is High Temperature Rated, but Are the Components.pdf
- 问题
- What type of readings does the Switched Upgradeable rPDU provide?
- 回答
- The Monitored Upgradeable rPDU provides Input Power Monitoring (A, V, VA, kWh, PF) and Circuit Monitoring (A) where applicable determined by the base rPDU model.
- 问题
- Do the Switched rPDUs monitor power usage at the input and circuit level?
- 回答
- Yes, the Switched rPDUs monitor and display the input/circuit power readings for the rPDU where applicable determined by the base rPDU model.
- 问题
- What is the benefit to monitoring at the outlet level?
- 回答
- Monitoring at the outlet level allows you to pinpoint system-critical failures and take preventative measures. For example, a gradual rise in a server’s current draw over time might indicate a failing power supply. Outlet level monitoring can also track where power is being used for departmentalized power billing in large companies.
- 问题
- What is the accuracy rating of the power readings at the outlet?
- 回答
- Outlet Power Measurements Compliant with ANSI C12.1 and IEC 62053-21 at 1% Accuracy Class Requirements.
- 问题
- How many and what type of environmental sensors can be connected to a Switched rPDU?
- 回答
- Up to 16 external sensors can be connected to the Switched rPDUs. These sensors can include: Temperature, Temp/Humidity, Flood, Smoke, Door Position and more.