Vertiv Pillars of Ethics & Compliance
At Vertiv, we are committed to doing business in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and we do that through living our core values.
O presente Código de Conduta (o nosso “Código”) tem por finalidade orientar todos os funcionários e membros do conselho de administração (“Membros do Conselho”) da Vertiv Holdings Co e respetivas empresas afiliadas (coletivamente, “Vertiv”) em todo o mundo sobre a forma como conduzimos negócios. Este Código define as ações e comportamentos expectáveis por parte de todos os membros da equipa Vertiv, para que todos os que interagem com a Vertiv possam consistentemente confiar na nossa integridade. Salvo indicado em contrário no presente Código, o termo “funcionários” inclui os respetivos responsáveis.
Código de Conduta (French European)
Code of Ethics (German)
*Atualizações pendentes para Vertiv Integrated System GmbH e Vertiv GmbH.
Revisão do Código de Conduta
No dia 24 de novembro de 2021, a Empresa alterou o Código de Conduta da Vertiv (anteriormente denominado Código de Ética da Vertiv). Esta alteração não mudou os valores e princípios do Código; em vez disso, a Empresa reviu o Código para:
- Reorganizar o Código de modo a agrupar, de forma mais eficaz, conceitos-chave para melhorar ainda mais a experiência do leitor;
- Expandir certas secções que são excecionalmente afetadas e que continuam a evoluir de uma perspetiva regulamentar, para fornecer orientações atuais e exemplos adicionais do mundo real;
- Fornecer especificidade adicional em determinadas secções com base no crescimento contínuo da Empresa e áreas de foco operacional; e
- Destacar ainda mais certos conceitos que são importantes para os valores fundamentais da Empresa, incluindo a diversidade e a igualdade de oportunidades, a responsabilidade social corporativa e proteção contra o desperdício de ativos da empresa.
O Código de Conduta da Vertiv atualizado entrou em vigor para todas as subsidiárias da Vertiv, exceto para a Vertiv Integrated System GmbH e Vertiv GmbH (ambas com aprovação local pendente). O texto completo do Código foi publicado no website da Empresa (http://www.vertiv.com).

Na Vertiv, procuramos sempre fazer negócios, seja onde for que estejamos no mundo, em conformidade com todas as leis aplicáveis e de uma forma que respeite os nossos funcionários, os nossos clientes e as comunidades nas quais operamos. A base desse princípio é o nosso Código de Conduta da empresa.
O Código de Conduta da Vertiv rege as nossas relações com todas as nossas partes interessadas, tanto interna como externamente. Foi concebido para orientar todos os funcionários da Vertiv e membros do nosso conselho de administração em todo o mundo sobre a forma como fazemos negócios. Este Código define as ações e comportamentos que são esperados de cada pessoa na Vertiv, para que todos os que interagem connosco o possam fazer com confiança e possam consistentemente acreditar na nossa sólida reputação. De forma consistente com o reforço da nossa cultura empresarial, não prestaremos apoio a indivíduos que não cumpram as leis aplicáveis ou que não sejam íntegros nas suas ações. Em última análise, queremos continuar a criar um ambiente seguro e produtivo, baseado no respeito e em comunicação franca, uma vez que valorizamos as opiniões de todos.

Vertiv has established internal policies and controls that enforce compliance by all employees, officers, and directors with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, U.K. Bribery Act, the Brazil Clean Company Act 2014 (Law No. 12,846), and related anti-corruption laws of the countries in which we do business. Vertiv employees, officers, and directors are prohibited from directly or indirectly offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving any form of bribe, kickback, or other corrupt payment, or anything of value, to or from any person or organization, including government agencies, individual government officials, and private companies or their employees under any circumstances. This prohibition applies worldwide, with no exception to perceived customs, local practices, or competitive conditions. Further, this prohibition applies equally to any person or company acting on Vertiv’s behalf, such as sales agents, distributors, representatives, service providers, contractors, suppliers, and joint venture partners.
Fair Competition
Vertiv will succeed by its employees, officers, and directors competing fairly and living by the Vertiv core values. Representatives of Vertiv may not:
- discuss directly with a competitor of Vertiv any pricing or product information, such as manufacturing cost, production capacity, product roadmaps, bidding practices, or any nonpublic business information of Vertiv;
- use any improper means to obtain a competitor’s confidential information or trade secrets;
- knowingly use a competitor’s confidential information or trade secrets without express written permission from such competitor;
- use negative selling techniques, such as disparaging competitors by using false statements; or
- use tactics to eliminate competition in markets where Vertiv is a leader, such as selling below cost.

Vertiv is committed to conducting business fairly, responsibly, and in compliance with law in each country in which we operate.
We demand honest and ethical business practices from our employees, officers, and directors, as well as our distributors, agents, and business partners throughout the world.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Vertiv expects its suppliers to project its values and principles, to stay current with technology, to act with integrity, and to treat people and the environment with respect. These actions reflect Vertiv’s priorities. In this way, we partner with only the highest caliber suppliers that demonstrate social responsibility and a commitment to fairness and honesty.
Vertiv has established a Supplier Code of Conduct and we expect each supplier to adhere to its principles. Vertiv may discontinue its relationship with a supplier that fails to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF - English)
Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF - Mandarin)
Efforts to Prevent Slavery and Human Trafficking
Vertiv is committed to complying with all applicable laws and employment regulations where we operate and does not engage in forced labor or human trafficking. Vertiv’s policies oppose—and we prohibit our suppliers from using—any form of forced, bonded, or indentured labor.
Statement on Efforts to Combat Slavery and Human Trafficking
Conflict Minerals
Vertiv supports efforts to end the human suffering and environmental impact that have been associated with mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries. Tracing the origins of minerals throughout a global supply chain is a complex process, and this can only be accomplished with the cooperation and support of a vast number of industries and stakeholders.
Vertiv continues to work with its suppliers and other stakeholders to develop and implement policies and systems to reduce the risk that minerals in our supply chain come from mines that finance or benefit armed groups in the DRC region, and Vertiv expects our supply base to acquire minerals from responsible sources.

All Vertiv suppliers must adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct and abide by local laws and regulations.
For Vertiv to exceed its customers’ expectations, each supplier must actively support Vertiv’s values and extend them into its own supply chain. We will continue to educate our suppliers and employees and participate in industry groups to promote supply chain visibility and accountability.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Vertiv respects the dignity and human rights of individuals and requires that our suppliers and business partners do the same. Vertiv fully supports and seeks to adhere to the principles of both the United Nations Global Compact and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- We do not accept forced, indentured, or prison labor.
- We comply with local minimum age laws and requirements and do not employ child labor.
- We protect our employees from harassment and an offensive or hostile work environment.
- We will promptly investigate any reports of discrimination, harassment, or workplace violence and promptly take corrective action.
- We encourage employees who observe or experience discrimination, harassment, or workplace violence to report such behavior to management or the Vertiv global ethics hotline.
- We do not permit retaliation against employees that report incidents of discrimination, harassment, or workplace violence in good faith.
To the greatest extent practicable, Vertiv will avoid negative impacts to the communities in which it operates, including to the soil, air, and water.
Vertiv is committed to meeting the requirements of the European Union (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations 2014. These Regulations require producers of electrical and electronic equipment to finance the takeback, for reuse or recycling, of WEEE resulting from products that we placed on the Irish market. In line with that commitment Vertiv will take back WEEE from you.
For product that we placed on the market after August 13th, 2005 you do not need to make a new purchase from us to avail of the offer. However, for product that was placed on the market before August 13th, 2005 we are only obliged take it back when you make a purchase from us of a similar type of product.
Vertiv's world-class leadership and focus on corporate responsibility are embodied in our continual enhancements to our quality management systems: https://www.vertiv.com/en-us/support/quality-policy-and-certifications/
A Commitment to Diversity
At Vertiv, we are a company engineered to deliver solutions for critical technologies. And those solutions often come from having a variety of viewpoints and perspectives at the table. So it should come as no surprise that there's a spirit of inclusion found in everything we do. Having a wider range of experiences to draw from doesn't just make us a diverse company. It makes us a better company.
Vertiv works hard to create a global workplace that supports and promotes diversity, embraces inclusion and cultivates respect for the individual. We believe that bringing together bright, enthusiastic, and talented people from various backgrounds promotes the birth of new ideas and an exciting energy level.
As a result, we have an active program to recruit and hire women and minorities to our management ranks. We seek to create an employer of choice environment in terms of promotions, transfers, compensation, benefits, career mentoring, company-sponsored training, tuition assistance and social and recreational programs for our employees.
Vertiv's Equal Employment Opportunity policy ensures that there will be no discrimination or harassment against an employee or applicant on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, national origin, veteran status or any other factor considered unlawful by applicable laws and regulations.
Health and Safety
Vertiv promotes safe and healthy work conditions for its employees worldwide, and encourages this effort through its supply chain.
Vertiv Corporate EHS Policy
Our corporate EHS Policy includes minimum requirements and standards for EHS across the company. It covers all Vertiv employees, as well as contractors and members of the public who are on company premises.

The mission of Vertiv’s EHS Team is to protect Vertiv and Vertiv’s employees from environmental, health, and safety risks so they can be prosperous and achieve their goals.
A robust ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) system is critical to that mission while allowing Vertiv to be both commercially successful and socially responsible.